How different is it compared to YouTube?

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How different is Vimeo compared to the likes of YouTube and other video streaming services? I know all services have an option to sign up, share videos, probably advertise on both, but how different is vimeo?

I want to try utilizing Vimeo and other video services to advertise my sites on. Could it work? And I'm not talking about making videos, but more about having ads on videos. Is that possible in vimeo?
How different is Vimeo compared to the likes of YouTube and other video streaming services? I know all services have an option to sign up, share videos, probably advertise on both, but how different is vimeo?

I want to try utilizing Vimeo and other video services to advertise my sites on. Could it work? And I'm not talking about making videos, but more about having ads on videos. Is that possible in vimeo?

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